If you properly care for a cut flower, it will please you for a long time: a week, two, or even a month.
For proper storage, you must first prepare the bouquet, before immersing it in water, you must: cut off the leaves and thorns located at the water level (this will avoid the rotting process); cut each stem diagonally under running water so that air does not get into the cut, you also need to make a deep cross-shaped cut of the stem (in no case do not put uncut flowers in a vase, because their stems will stick to the bottom of the vessel and will not be able to absorb water).
And so we prepared our bouquet, in no case do not put the roses under running water, as a lot of oxygen is dissolved in it. Florists recommend putting flowers in boiled water that is (+12-15) degrees. This is the most appropriate temperature for a bouquet. It is also necessary to remember that in the summer heat the water can be cool, and in the winter put the flowers in warm water (+23-25) degrees. The water in the vase should cover 2/3 of the length of the stems. If you want to know how to keep cut roses longer, remember that they cannot tolerate direct sunlight. Special nutrients for flowers are added to the water for cut roses.
You can also use folk remedies: add 1 tablespoon of vinegar and 25 grams of sugar to 1 liter of water. It is recommended to pour bactericidal agents, such as aspirin, vodka, alum, into the water. Modern store-bought roses are resistant to chemicals, so you can add a drop of laundry bleach as a disinfectant.
The best water for cut flowers is snow (tala), rain or distilled water. In order for the roses to stand longer, the water in the vase should be changed once every 3 days, if you change the water every day, they will stand even longer. The vase must be washed every time. Roses love spraying. Therefore, the bouquet should be sprayed several times a day from a spray bottle, but so that the water does not get into the center of the buds, but only on the petals. It is necessary to remove dried leaves and petals as they appear, they poison the water and contribute to rotting. Update the cut of the stems at each water change.